Changing gauges using bulk edit

Using bulk edit you can edit multiple gauges simultaneously.`

important to note that anything that is left empty or unticked will not be altered.

Example: say you have a number of gauges all starting from 01-01-2020, but you want start them later, like december 2021. Using filters you can narrow down the selection (excluding most or all gauges you wish to leave untouched). Then you can click Bulk edit, top right in the gauges window.

In the subsequent window you can select the desired gauges by ticking those, or select all and then untick gauges that should not change:


When you have made the desired selection, click the green button Next step, bottom right (scroll down if needed).


On the top of the window you can see which step you are at, the blue highlight. Green highlight means a step already taken.

On the bottom left there is also a button Previous step, to go back and correct mistakes or omissions

You should ignore all fields or functions that are not to be altered. Only changes should be entered.

In this example from Properties only the From field is filled in, the Until field is left blank:


The next window, Categories, will stay unaltered in this example.

The last step will provide an overview of edits, for verification. If needed you can make one or more steps back to correct mistakes or omissions.

If you then click Save, the edits are applied.*

*some edits are not permitted (such as changes in the periodicity of a gauge when it contains data, remarks or attached documents) and will be refused by the system. In that case you will get an onscreen notification giving the reason for the refusal.

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