
It is possible to make a pre-calculation in the measurerments section of the SmartTrackers application. This function can be activated on the measuring page by selecting it in the filters. By clicking on filter, the input fields are displayed.


What can be a reason to make a pre-calculation? Suppose you first determine what the CO2 emissions are on a project, then the measures can be calculated on this pre-calculation. The subsequent calculation can then be used to assess whether the measures have had the expected effect.

Even if the measures are not explicitly calculated, a pre-calculation and post-calculation can provide insight into how interim improvements have resulted in emissions being lowered during the calculation.

With the graph function it is possible to make graphs of only the pre-calculations by activating the pre-calculation button in the settings.

In this way, CO2 emissions can be estimated for the coming period. If required, the pre-calculation can also be passed on to costs. This may concern the direct fuel costs, but also a possible CO2 tax. In this way, the coming costs can be more accurately taken into account in the budget.


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