Chart editing*


You can set the following properties of the indicator charts on the dashboard.

  • Filtering
    • Categories
    • Organizational component
    • Quantities
    • Shared indicators
  • Set scale
  • Time period
  • Chart type
    • whether or not to show goals / predictions
    • number of decimal places
    • display type
    • selection x and y-axis
    • choice to split up

With the filters you choose which data should be included in the graph. In principle (if nothing is selected) all data is included.

The options for filtering can be limited by choosing a specific theme such as CO2 / energy / money (job categories are directly converted to these three aspects).

If you make a selection, the data is limited to this data. With two or more selections, all conditions must be met. For example, the combination of company cars and scope 2 will not produce results unless the cars are electrically driven and this is tracked measurement.

On the left you can choose from the different filters. The operation is most quickly apparent by trying out a number of filter options.

Within a selection option such as the function tree or the organizational components, a search is made for either / or. A search is made between the different filter options.

For example, a combination of electricity with two specific locations will only produce results within those two locations. A combination of the electricity function in combination with the quantity of gray electricity only provides a result of everything related to gray electricity in the organization in combination with the electricity function group. If there are electric cars under lease cars, they will not be shown.


Set filters for shared indicators

If the filters have to be set for a graph in, for example, CO2 per FTE, it is possible to set the filter per side of the calculation.

In this way it remains understandable how the filter affects the calculation. Imagine you only want to share the CO2 emissions of mobility by the FTEs of the field staff. In that case you can set the one filter on the CO2 function groups mobility field service and in the filter for the FTEs only select the FTEs of the business unit that you want to take with you.

To activate the filter option on both sides of the division, select the option: filter per indicator. As shown below, this is visible under the selection field for the consolidation method.


Then set the filter for CO2 and then for FTE.


Set scale

The scale of the graph is adjustable. For example, a choice can be made to show CO2 emissions or, for example, the waste weight in grams-kg-tons-kilotons. With a shared graph, this option is only visible if filtering per indicator is set.


Set time period

The system will by default choose to start with the specified reference year. This can be changed. It is also possible to draw up a graph for example from the 2nd quarter up to and including the third quarter. This option becomes possible if a horizontal division is chosen in month, quarter or semester (half year).


Set display options

In the image above, the display options are shown at the top right. If an objective has been created on the indicator, it can be decided whether or not to show it.

The graph form is chosen for the display options. Provide a suitable time period at a pie point.

The divide option offers many functions in one solution. First, a horizontal and vertical division is chosen. It is also possible, for example, to plotting the job category against the organizational components. The chosen time period of the graph has then become a constant.

If working within a shared indicator, it can be specified which part of the calculation should be split. This is of course only possible if the relevant calculation can actually be subdivided. In the example above, this is in this case the CO2e emission.


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