Close, move or delete organisational section

The account administrator can modify, move, close or delete any organisational unit. However,  to delete an organisational unit, you must first delete all gauges from that unit - and to delete a gauge, they must no longer contain any data; data being figures, linked documents or comments.

First the relevant entity is selected, via the menu option Entities in the left margin. In the tree structure...
Schermafbeelding_2023-06-06_om_12.55.54.png on the name of the entity. A settings screen for that entity now opens:

After clicking the Edit button, this screen opens:



Note: when an entity is closed, all meters will have an end date (same as closure date of the entity) and the entity will be hidden by default (it is still accessible via Settings). All data predating the closing date is still taken into account.

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