Create new gauges


To create gauges go to the menu option Gauges. Click the green button Add new gauge.

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The following options will be shown:


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There are three options:

  1. Manual: you determine the definitions for the gauge name, quantity (definition of what you want to measure) and the desired category classification. Do not forget to include the scope if you want to convert something to CO2, so that the system knows that a calculation must be included in the CO2 footprint divided to scope 1, 2 and 3.
  2. Based on templates: these are preconfigured gauges. They can be customised via the adjust function at the gauge.
  3. Based on existing gauges: gauges already existing in your account can be used as a template for a different organisational unit. Useful for locations, business processes and projects with similar definitions, that do not appear in the standard templates.

An important first step in creating gauges based on templates or existing gauges is to limit the options. Via the filter menu you choose the topics you want to use. You can also in- or exclude either standard- or account specific templates.


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After making the selection, click on the blue Filter button at the bottom left of the screen.

In the subsequent steps, other properties such as start time and registration period can be specified. In step 3, the gauges can be added directly for one or multiple organisational units.
In step 4, you get a summary of how you've configured the gauge(s), and get a chance to alter settings by taking a step or steps back. Note howevewr that it is always possible to correct configuration mistakes made in the Gauges after they have been created.

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