Adding a Quantity and adding (a) conversion(s) to that quantity**


This functionality can only be accessed if you have Administrator access privileges.

If you want to use a quantity and conversion factor that is not present in our default libraries, you can create this for your account specifically. This can be handy if your company needs a relatively rare quantity, or if you want subdivide existing quantities.

See also: adding a conversion factor to an existing quantity

1. Using the sidebar, go to Settings > Quantities

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-05-15 om 10.56.11.png

Establish what you want to measure; weight, volume, length etc.

Determine if such a quantity already exists and check whether it already has the desired emission factor by clicking it.

2. Find the fitting category voor the new quantity and click on the + sign that appears if you hover the mousepointer over that category.



In this window, Settings / Add Quantity


enter the name in the language field(s)*. Choose the Conversion method (depending on your values this is generally Sum, except in cases where you need an average over a given timeframe (like Full time employees). Optionally, fill out Descriptions*.

Finally, click the Save button, bottom left (scroll down if necessary)

*Which language fields you'll see depends on the languages assigned to your account.

4. After this you'll see this window:


Click Create a conversion to… and choose what you want to make a conversion to: Money, Energy or CO2e, among possible others (this depends on the configuration of your account).

5. In the next window:


click the button Manage to alter the conversion Unit, if necessary. See 5a. If it  is not necessary, then skip this step and step 5a below.


5a (Manage/change units). Click the Edit button


top left of this window.
Fill out the From unit field with the denominator, and the To unit field with the numerator.

Summary: To/From, as in To per From; example: kilogramme (To) per kWh (From) (as in emissionfactors concerning energy, eg electricity)
At the bottom, fill in the name of  the source (where you found the conversionfacto: governmental website, emissionfactors website, official document etc).
Click Save.

6. In the next window


click the button + Factor for new period

7. In the next window


enter the Start date (and, optionally, if known: de End date - leave blank otherwise) and the value (in de previously entered units, so in this example kilogramme per kWh)

By entering an End date a new value can be added for the period that follows. Some emmission factors are reviewed and changed periodically. Generally the end date isn't known beforehand, so you can only add it after it has been published.

Click Save.

8. The next window is just to verify everything. Dismiss it by clicking the dismissal cross top right.


The quantity can now be selected from the list, when creating a meter manually or based on a template.


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